
Get to know the Research Computing Co-ops

About Research Computing’s Co-op Program: Research Computing (RC) co-op opportunities vary greatly based on the interests of the science team, potential partnerships with Northeastern researchers, and new and exciting ideas to improve the HPC cluster. An ideal RC...

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Get to Know the Research Computing Team

Rufus Behr Research Software Engineer What led you into your field? My mother was an English professor and, as part of one of her courses, her students read the book Little Brother by Cory Doctorow, which is a fictional novel about a group of tech-savvy teenagers...

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Introductory Training Session Updates

The Research Computing team has updated the introductory training sessions available in the RC Training Canvas Course. While the recordings remain the same, the course materials and links have been updated to ensure accuracy and functionality.

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Bioinformatics in Research Computing

Associate bioinformatician Shobana Sekar collaborated with and facilitated the research of genomics-focused faculty, students, and researchers, enabling them to run their bioinformatics workflows on the HPC cluster in an optimal manner.

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Accelerate your research at any stage by leveraging our online user guides, hands-on training sessions, and one-on-one guidance.



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