Research Computing Policies
The Discovery cluster is a shared resource; the following policies have been created to increase efficiency for the Northeastern research community. Failure to follow Discovery policies could result in your account being revoked and/or disciplinary action by the university. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please contact the Research Computing team.
General Policies
Read the Research Computing policies on HPC access, general HPC use, and HPC maintenance.

Research Projects Storage Space Policy
Learn more about Active and Archival Storage, requesting additional storage, and the cost of storage.
Scratch Space Policy
The /scratch space is a shared space only for temporary usage and is not meant for persistent storage. Make sure you are familiar with this policy to ensure you don’t lose data.

If you have used the Discovery cluster and/or received assistance from a member of the research computing team, please include an acknowledgement statement in any publication that details your research.
User Account Continuity Policy
Research Computing will perform a yearly account validation to determine whether a researcher’s account at Northeastern’s High Performance Computing (HPC) Cluster is still in use.

How Can Research Computing Support You?
Accelerate your research at any stage by leveraging our online user guides, hands-on training sessions, and one-on-one guidance.



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