General Policies
General Research Computing Policies
The Discovery cluster is a shared resource; the following policies have been created to increase efficiency for the Northeastern research community. Failure to follow Research Computing policies could result in your account being revoked and/or disciplinary action by the university. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, please contact the Research Computing team.
Accessing the Cluster
- While the HPC Clusters are available to anyone affiliated with Northeastern University, students must have a faculty sponsor.
- Every person who uses an HPC Cluster must have his or her own account. Get started by visiting our documentation.
- Never share your login ID or password with any other person, whether they are affiliated with the university or not.
- Three general partitions (long, large, and multigpu) have additional access guidelines. See the Partitions page on our documentation site.
General HPC Use
- Do not run jobs on the login nodes. If you run a job on a login node, it will be terminated.
- Do not use the HPC Clusters for any purpose other than for Northeastern University sponsored research.
- Review and comply with Northeastern’s Policy on Appropriate Use of Computer and Network Resources
Hardware Node Sharing Policy
The Research Computing HPC cluster has two types of nodes: RC-purchased-and-RC-managed nodes (public-nodes) and PI-purchased-and-RC-managed nodes (PI-nodes). As per the Research Computing Advisory Committee (RCAC) policy, both types of nodes are available to all Research Computing users to improve the overall system utilization, reduce queue wait time, and increase operational efficiency.
On the PI nodes, the PI and their group members (referred to as PI-group) always have the highest priority for executing their jobs (referred to as PI-group jobs). If a particular PI-node is being opportunistically used by an RC user who is not a corresponding PI-group member, upon the submission of a PI-group job, the PI-node is made available to the PI-group within an hour. To ensure that non-PI-group jobs are not adversely impacted, only jobs requesting less than an hour are scheduled on PI-nodes.
HPC Maintenance
- Routine maintenance will typically be performed on the first Tuesday of the month.
- During the maintenance window, you will not be able to run jobs on the HPC Clusters. This includes private partitions.
- All routine cluster maintenance, emergency maintenance, and annual shutdown maintenance information will be posted and archived on the Status Updates page.
- Maintenance reminders will be sent via email to all HPC Cluster users, but the best place to find up to date information on the cluster status is on the Status Updates page.
- Database hosting is not currently offered as a service by Research Computing.
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